I was born into a world with dogs.  I’ve never known a world without them.  They are like a family member.  They babysat me, listened to me, celebrated and mourned with me.  I trust them.  I learn from them.  They make me laugh and they make me cry.
Cats didn’t enter my world until much later.  They are still relatively new to me. I’m slowly building a group of cat bosses I adore.  They are all different.  Individual in ways I don’t always understand. But if I sit and listen sometimes they open up to me.
And then there’s Jersey.  At 16 her ears aren’t what they used to be so I actually surprised her one day.  Despite wearing clogs, walking upstairs and on the wooden floor.  But once the initial start was gone from being woken from her nap by “that girl who seems to be working for me while my people are away” I knelt down and said hello.
One hand scratching became two.  When the drooling started I knew I’d be there for a little while.  She moved between my hands and the edge of the drawer. Rubbing her head against it.  It didn’t seem enjoyable to me but I wasn’t going to stop her.  I just made my hands available when she came back around.  When she settled into a happy spot I rubbed her side, her legs, her sweet little paws and behind her ears.  Then she presented me with her belly.  And I was honored.
I’ve never experienced what happened next. Whether that’s because I don’t have a lot of cat bosses or because it’s unique to Jersey, I don’t care. It’s unique between us.  With both her front paws she pushed my hand to rub her belly. Then she would pull my hand up to give me kisses.  Back and forth until we both nearly fell asleep on the floor.
When your brother and sister are Great Pyrenees and you find yourself home alone I think you deserve a little extra loving.  So each day after food and scooping was done we had our special time.  I am thankful to have Jersey as one of my bosses and teachers.
IMG_3145 - Version 2
And then there’s Jersey…

2 thoughts on “And then there’s Jersey…

  • December 22, 2015 at 5:52 am

    It has been a few months since Jersey passed over the rainbow bridge. I remember seeing the photos you took of her while we were away. She was beautiful. She never had her own sitter. She was part of the puppies package for a sitter or a neighbor would stop in to scoop and fill bowls. But you were hers. You came just for Jersey. Unlike any other, you saw her the way we did. You noticed her and she knew for that time, you were hers>•< Thank you thank you for loving our girl.

    • January 27, 2016 at 6:39 am

      I haven’t know what to say. When I first read your comment I started to cry. And every time since. Jersey was very special for me. She was the first cat to never scratch or hiss. She let me hang out with her. Just hang out and chat. She literally took my hand and moved it to her belly when she wanted belly rubs and when she wanted chest or chin she moved my hand again. I didn’t even know this was a possible cat behavior. I knew she was going to be an interesting girl because she lived with 2 gentle giants and held her own. She will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for entrusting her to my care.


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