When still in my pjs, I pulled on my jacket and boots. Left the comfort of a perfectly stoked fire. Trudged through the cold and snow to feed you breakfast. When I remembered to bring a handkerchief or washcloth and a bowl of warm water to the barn. Because you had allergy eyes and I wanted to wash your sweet face to get the pollen off. -Laddie
When I was perfectly happy sitting on the sofa listening to you snore. When your sweet little voice woke me up before the sun was up and it made me smile. -Sam
When I patiently waited for you both to settle down and fall asleep. Instead of getting out of bed and sleeping on the sofa. When I was putting on one’s jacket and the other kissed my hands. And vice versa. As if to say, thank you for taking care of my brother. -O & C
When you chose to hang out with me. When you switch from barking at me ringing the doorbell to tail wagging and happy dance when I come in. -Oliver
When you sat on my feet while we looked at the spider in the garden. When, despite your size, you tried to sit in my lap. Then when you got into my lap you got so excited that you had actually made it. You were all kisses, tail wagging and wiggling. -Ole
When, after hanging out in the arena for a long time, we drove home. Built a fire and curled up in the warmth. When I tell you I won’t talk to you while you’re barking, and you stop. -Molly
When watching your little bear tushy running makes me want to run. -Charlie
When you were so happy to see me. When you fought with the vacuum. -Hooper
When I see you sitting backwards in a chair, just staring at the back. And I stop to say hi and make sure you’re okay. When I learned how to approach you and you let me touch you. More than that you actually enjoyed it. No scowl no hissing! -Emily
When I brush poop out of your tail. When I worked with you, on your terms, to put on your jacket. -Danny
When you patiently let me give you a bath. When you learned the word present. -Calvin
When you lovingly recognized me after not seeing me for months or years. -Oolum
I love my bosses and I’m so grateful that their owners hire me. Thank you.