While driving home from my job with sweet little Nina I saw a dog I haven’t seen in months.

I don’t know the dog. But it’s a old yellow lab. He (he seems like a he) used to sit out at the end of his driveway. It always made me a little nervous because there’s no sidewalk. But I loved seeing him. I would always go slow and talk to him. Whether my windows were open or closed.

Then he was gone. At first I thought/hoped, oh he’s just inside. But it became so long that I feared and then accepted the worst. I mourned him as I drove by his house.
Today I saw him! There in the distance. I got closer. It was him! I almost pulled over to meet him. I’ve almost pulled over to meet him and or his people so many times. But Nina pulling off the road to meet a dog is a lot to take and I know that. So I stay in my car.

My heart soared. I was so happy to see him at his post again. Reminded that I’m a dog girl. Not that I needed the reminder.

Yellow Lab
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